Debbie Garvey

Owner of Stonegate Training

Debbie Garvey

Owner of Stonegate Training

Debbie Garvey

Debbie is an active author, trainer and speaker on the subject of early years, early childhood and leadership. Debbie has particular interests in neuroscience, PSED, leadership, coaching/mentoring and reflective practice, and the roles these play in developing quality experiences for children, families and staff. In January 2007, Debbie set up Stonegate Training. Their aim is to advocate quality experiences and provision for children, young people and families, alongside quality CPD experiences for the dedicated practitioners who work with them. Amongst other things, Debbie is accredited as a C4EO Early Years Sector Specialist and a level 6 qualified mentor, and is currently studying for an MA in Education (Early Years). She has also written several books, and is currently developing manuscripts for two upcoming books - one around neuroscience in early childhood and one around vulnerability.

Areas of expertise:

Performance management

Early brain development

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