Reopening Childcare

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, the topic of reopening childcare has gained momentum. To help people get clear answers, this Famly Sessions handled the practicalities of reopening, how to manage safeguarding and vulnerable children, and pedagogies.

In collaboration with…

Bornehuset Evigglad
Early Years Hub
Early Years TV
EY Matters
Mine Conkbayir
Nursery World
Orange Caterpillar

We spoke with early years consultant Alison Featherbe, and Anne Therkelsen, a nursery leader at Børnehuset Evigglad in Denmark, where nurseries have already been open for a few weeks about how settings can prepare for reopening and what it might look like when it happens.

Safeguarding expert and co-founder of The Early Years Hub joined author and early years educator Mine Conkbayir to discuss the impact that lockdown may have had on vulnerable children and techniques for how to lessen this.

In the final session historian and chartered early years psychologist Dr Pam Jarvis and early years consultant Jan Dubiel discussed how children’s transition back to the setting can be supported by staff and parents.

The Famly Sessions: Reopening Childcare

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, the topic of reopening childcare has gained momentum. To help people get clear answers, this Famly Sessions handled the practicalities of reopening, how to manage safeguarding and vulnerable children, and pedagogies.

In collaboration with…

Bornehuset Evigglad
Early Years Hub
Early Years TV
EY Matters
Mine Conkbayir
Nursery World
Orange Caterpillar

VIDEO: The Practicalities: Setting up a socially distant early years setting

We spoke with early years consultant Alison Featherbe, and Anne Therkelsen, a nursery leader at Børnehuset Evigglad in Denmark, where nurseries have already been open for a few weeks about how settings can prepare for reopening and what it might look like when it happens.

VIDEO: Safeguarding: What has lockdown meant for vulnerable children

Safeguarding expert and co-founder of The Early Years Hub joined author and early years educator Mine Conkbayir to discuss the impact that lockdown may have had on vulnerable children and techniques for how to lessen this.

VIDEO: Pedagogy: Supporting children’s wellbeing and learning post-lockdown

In the final session historian and chartered early years psychologist Dr Pam Jarvis and early years consultant Jan Dubiel discussed how children’s transition back to the setting can be supported by staff and parents.

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